
Recipes for cats and dogs easy to find online

By Capper's Editors
Published on April 30, 2009
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WEB BROWSER: Homemade pet food recipes online might tempt your pet to take up Web surfing.

In the February Editor’s Notebook column, K.C. Compton wrote about her first forays into creating homemade meals for pets. As a follow-up, we included a few recipes in our May issue. You can find some additional recipes for dogs, including homemade dog biscuits, here on our Web site.

You might also want to visit the Web site of our sister publication Mother Earth News. There, you will find more information about pet food, as well as recipes for Kitty Breakfast and Doggie Dinner. Just head to www.MotherEarthNews.com/Homemade-Pet-Food.

Another article on the site ends with recipes for simple chows – one for cats and one for dogs: www.MotherEarthNews.com/Natural-Pet-Foods.

If you prefer to try adding spices to pet food, another of our sister publications, The Herb Companion, offers some advice at www.HerbCompanion.com/Spices-For-Pets.