
Game-Winning Dips and Healthy Tips

By Hidden Valley
Published on February 2, 2021
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courtesy Hidden Valley
7 Layer Fiesta Ranch Dip

Two of the most popular New Year’s resolutions are losing weight and eating healthier. But by the time the big game rolls around, many people are ready for a break – or looking for an excuse to cheat. But kickoff does not have to be a signal to punt your healthy-eating habits.

Registered dietitian Jodie Shield knows it can be a struggle to celebrate and stay healthy. She’s put together some win-win tips and recipes – healthy and delicious – that are sure to keep fans cheering for more:

Know your game plan

If you’re the home team (i.e. the party host), you get to call the plays. Serve entrees that are lean and festive, such as Touchdown Turkey Chili. Or prepare a thin whole wheat crust pizza using reduced-fat mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce and lots of sliced veggies.

Offer a starting line-up of healthier appetizers

Whip some traditional game day favorites into shape. Instead of nachos, serve baked chips with salsa. Pass on the salt and butter and sprinkle a dash of Parmesan cheese over popcorn. Forget the fried chicken wings and serve baked chicken tenders seasoned with Hidden Valley Salad Dressing & Seasoning Mix.

Think fresh

Skip the super subs and set up a sandwich bar with lean deli meats such as turkey breast and ham, low-fat cheese slices and prepped veggies – like sliced tomato and shredded lettuce – and low-fat toppings.

Pass on super big portions

No matter what foods are served, remember you don’t have to eat the whole thing. Grab a small plate and load half of it up with fresh veggies and baked chips.

Get in on the action

During halftime, grab your guests and head outdoors for a quick game of touch football. You can always record the commercials so you don’t miss out.

For more recipes and tips, visit the Hidden Valley website.

Serve a delicious, and healthy, dip for your next football party.
7 Layer Fiesta Ranch Dip
Touchdown Turkey Chili
Cheesy Ranch Popcorn
Hold That Line Hummus Dip

Play Good Defense and Substitute

The best way to tackle those creamy, high-calorie dips is to make smart substitutions. Here are a few options to help you get started:

Instead of:        Use:
Guacamole       Salsa
Pesto                Chopped tomatoes and basil
Sour cream       Plain fat-free yogurt
Cheese             Reduced-fat cheese
Cream              Fat-free evaporated milk