
Chores Get Done Before Spring Season Begins

By Heart Of The Home
Published on February 11, 2014
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Photo by Fotolia/Africa Studio
Using the cold winter months to clean out closets will give you more time come spring to be outside in the warmer weather.

Winter in farm country is long and frigid. Snow-covered fields punctuated with the stubble of harvested corn has a stark beauty all its own. Winter is the season to rest, reorganize and re-energize. Like the land itself, I, too, use winter to prepare for the coming of the spring season.

My days are filled with all the activities that are too sedentary for the hustle of life in springtime — or those chores that require being cooped up inside instead of outside in the beautiful spring air. I clean closets, reorganize shelves and relax tired muscles. Evenings are spent sitting next to a warm fire perusing seed catalogs, yearning for the sight of that first daffodil bravely pushing its delicate head through the slowly melting snow, and dreaming of beautiful gardens in full bloom.

Frankfort, Indiana

Read more stories about spring chores in Heart of the Home: Spring Activities.