My husband and I had only been married a few months, and although we both worked and went to college, we decided to have our first company dinner.
I had fixed spaghetti, and it was ready and heating on the stove when the telephone rang. When I hung up the phone and went back into the kitchen, I saw that the spaghetti was now badly burned. I rushed to the pantry to see if I had another package of spaghetti, and luckily I did.
I started over, and in no time the second batch was done. To my horror, however, when I went to season it with a little salt, I dumped in an entire cup of salt. Apparently the screw-on lid on my tin salt shaker had come loose.
It was almost time for our company to arrive, and now I was in a state of panic. I rushed to the pantry again, and miraculously there was yet another package of spaghetti. I’m happy to say that the third batch turned out perfectly, just as our company arrived.
Cosby, Missouri