Dear Friends,
Last winter, Larry and I were going through a lifetime of greeting cards, and I asked my Facebook friends for ideas on what to do with them. I received some interesting and helpful answers, and used a couple. That made me think to go to them with a recent problem. This time it was when my dishwasher broke, and again they came to the rescue.
Although I’ve had a dishwasher for most of my married life, and bought top name brands, I’ve never had one that actually worked. As one of my FB friends stated, a dishwasher might only be an under-the-counter dish sanitizer. My thoughts, exactly.
An under-the-counter dish sanitizer! Hmmm. Have you ever wondered why it is such a big deal that they have to be sanitized? People washed them by hand for ages and didn’t die from it. Besides it becomes a joke if we or the children unload the dishwasher or set the table without washing our hands first! I don’t have one at the farm and the thought that I could easily do without one here in the city kept running through my mind. As far as I could tell, the only advantage is keeping the dirty dishes off the counter. One thing I knew for sure: My next one had to work.
The answer I was given is a Whirlpool -model WDT920SADE0. My FB friend, Barb, even told us where they were on sale and the name of a good salesman. Now, that is a true and trusted friend! You might also like knowing that it says on the front of my washer that it was designed, engineered, and assembled in the USA.
We’ve all heard the saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. You will laugh to know that it took me five loads to fully give over my lifetime habit of getting all the food off the dishes before I loaded the washer! I got a little braver each time, and on that fifth load, I stuck the plates in with dried egg and all! Yes, they came out clean!
If you have a problem, maybe your FB friends can be of help. Give it a try!