Have you noticed a lot of changes happening around you, some of them which seem to be not very good ones? With the major changes in weather patterns and the accelerated pace of world events, most people nowadays are aware that something is going on! The topic of world change is on the minds and in the hearts of many people who are witnessing what is happening and not sure how to respond in a positive way. World events appear to be spiraling towards more negativity and violence, and many beautiful and kind hearted souls who hope to change the world with positive actions are frustrated by the difficulties they encounter, or by the apparent lack of effect of their good works.
To understand the process of world change from the spiritual perspective, it is necessary to understand the current times we live in. Never before have human beings been more interconnected. The acceleration pace of communications technology has created what is truly a global community, where we are becoming increasingly aware of all of humanity. The spiritual teaching that we are all One is rapidly manifesting on the Earth, as the reality of our interdependence and interconnectedness reveals itself daily, and will reveal itself even more so in the times to come.
The extreme imbalances in our world are being revealed, and it is no longer possible for us to shut out the reality of the needs of the human family of which we are all a part. World change is greatly needed in a world where most people lack basic resources for survival, and where a relatively small number of people have an overabundance of resources.
As spiritual transformation on the Earth progresses, it will become apparent to more and more people that these imbalances, where one part of our human family suffers at the expense of another, are actually detrimental to everyone. This awakening of planetary consciousness has not yet happened, but it will. The present time of world change has been prophesied in many different cultures and religions, and each of us who are here today is an important and essential part of this evolution in human consciousness.
Article from www.thephantomwriters.com
About the author: Mashubi Rochell is a spiritual counselor and the founder of World Blessings, an online spiritual support community for people of all faiths. How would you like tochange the world? Share your own story and experience at http://www.WorldBlessings.com.