The most cherished gifts I’ve ever received were given to my by my daddy, Carl E. Roberts, better known as Cubby.
My father passed away when I was only 12 years old, but he still gave me some of the most precious gifts a man can give his son. They were not a monetary gift, but rather the type of gift that can bring more lasting value that can overflow into future generations.
Daddy handed down to me a variety of these gifts, including the gift of a charitable heart. He taught me that it’s truly more blessed to give than to receive. My father was known throughout the community for being a giving individual, a man who offered help in anyway possible, whenever he could.
Another gift I received from my dad is the gift of patriotism. He shared with me the desire to put faith in my country and for the godly principles that it was founded on, and to have the courage to stand behind them in defense of our country.
Compassion was passed down to me as well. Daddy showed me that you should never be slow in offering a helping hand to those who need it. The same goes for offering words of encouragement to someone to help them along their way.
But the greatest gift of all was the gift of love my father instilled in me. He always had a kind word or a hug to show me how much he cared and loved me.
I’ve been blessed with the gift of family heirlooms passed down from previous generations, but the most precious gifts of all were the ones Daddy gave to me by way of example.
Mauston, Wisconsin
Read more heirloom stories in Keepsakes Passed Down Through Generations.