My father always planted by the moon signs. He was a firm believer that the phases of the moon affect plant growth. Every year he bought a farmer’s almanac and carefully studied the moon calendar provided to decide when exactly to plant his garden.
Moon signs are considered by many to be nothing but superstition and folk lore. But, I have to say, my father’s garden never failed. Of course, he was a good gardener. He understood plants and their needs. He understood the importance of the right soil. He also told me that God put the moon and the stars in the heavens for signs, and he believed those signs included when to plant.
This year I subscribed to the farmer’s almanac magazine and received as free gifts the 2019 Almanac and a calendar complete with a moon signs chart for planting. I looked at that for a long time, then decided if it was good enough for Daddy, it is good enough for me.
So, I spent time reading and marking my own calendar, and February 3rd, I started my cabbage seeds in the mini green house.
This last Saturday was the final day of the moon phase to plant carrots, turnips, and onions. So that’s how we spent our afternoon.
Greg emptied the composter to add new soil to my carrot / turnip bed and did most of the planting. I just broadcast the seeds, but Greg likes to make little rows and use a miniature seed planter.
For Valentine’s Day, my loving husband got me 3lbs of yellow onion sets! (He also gave me a box of chocolates). I love onions and already have a bed of Egyptian Walking Onions that I can eat year round. I actually pulled some at Christmas to make my cheese log with.
Three pounds of onion sets go a long way! So not only did I get my onion bed planted and mulched with straw, but I put onions in some extra tubs. If they all make, I will be having a terrific harvest!
Next month I will be very busy starting seeds and planting in the garden, according to my calendar. And this fall I will find out if the moon signs are the way to go. Sometimes those old folk tales are based on some truth. At least, my Daddy thought so.
Photos by Leah McAllister.