
Susan Slape-Hoysagk

By Susan Slape-Hoysagk
Published on January 16, 2020

Digging It Down Home

By Susan Slape-Hoysagk

I grew up in a small town south of Portland, Oregon, and as the city grew and encroached on my small-town life, I kept moving and moving until I ended up on the northern Oregon coast. From my backyard, I see stars city dwellers can’t see because of all the bright lights in their world. Every day shows me wildlife many people only see on the television. I grow fresh organic food just outside my kitchen door, and surrounding scenery is what people come to take photos of. My grandmother was a mother of a young child during the Depression and rose to the occasion. She gardened, raised chickens, baked, canned, crocheted, knitted, made her own sewing patterns, and then sewed them on her Singer treadle machine (she never owned an electric one). It is her lifestyle and ethics I aspire to. Her and all the hardworking farm folk in my family tree!

Max, my English Springer Spaniel, accompanies me wherever I go. Visit my other blog at SlapeHoysagk.wordpress.com.