
Well House to Potting Shed in One Day

Reader Contribution by Turn The Paige Homesteaders
Published on March 17, 2014
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The water well house was built with the original house in 1947 out of brick cinder blocks and appeared to be falling apart. The original yellow paint was peeling off and several bricks were missing or broken. Upon closer inspection, we found the bricks had been pushed inside the structure due to mortar failure which caused several bricks come loose. The inside was filled with several inches of dirt, three large water tanks and countless mud dauber nests.

It had been unused and was a huge eyesore behind the house so we decided to turn it into a potting shed. We cut the pipes to the water storage tanks and got them out of there and then removed all the old wiring and electrical boxes. We replaced half of the sheet metal roof with clear PVC roofing for sunlight. We took our old stainless steel sink from the kitchen renovation, and then built a long table from scrap. Finally, we added a metal shelf for storage. VIOLA! A potting shed is born!

We painted the exterior and planted a few vines and roses and hung a few birdhouses.

Now we have a place to start seeds and protect young plants from wind and cold until its warm enough to plant them in the ground.