My gardening philosophy is that Mother Nature knows more about growing vegetation than we humans do. So I try to pay attention when I see her working! I guess that’s what appeals to me about the Hugelkultur method of gardening. It mimics the way nature creates good soil. And since soil is the foundation of my garden, I want it to be as good as possible. Tilling leaves, chopped twigs and compost into my hard, rocky Georgia clay the first two seasons after we moved in improved the soil tremendously. And this method will expand on that same principle.
Just as with anything else on the internet, there are many types of Hugelkultur designs to be found. My beds are pretty simple. I just loosened the top six inches of soil and place logs, branches, twigs, leaves and dirt on top each other in lasagna-type fashion. After placing log borders to contain all that natural composting goodness, and fencing the deer out of our future buffet, I planted a variety of vegetables and flowers for us to enjoy.
If you would like to learn more about this ancient form of gardening, just visit or google the word Hugelkultur. You won’t be disappointed!