
Money: Social Security Connection-January 2009

By The Social Security Administration
Published on December 15, 2008

Q: How do I find out how much my Social Security benefit amount will be? Is there a way to find out if I could draw more on my record, my deceased ex-husband’s record (we were married for 13 years), or on my current husband’s record? – N.V., California

A: You can request a benefit estimate by calling your local Social Security office, or by going online at www.SocialSecurity.gov. Be sure to have your Social Security number easily accessible when you call or go online.

The way to find out if you’re entitled to benefits on a prior spouse or current spouse’s record is to simply ask the Social Security representative to check for you.

If inquiring about a prior spouse’s record, you will have to provide your Social Security number, the date you and your ex-husband were married, the date of your divorce, and your ex-husband’s date of birth and Social Security number, if available.

Q: I am currently drawing Social Security, but I would like to know if the check I get at the first of the month is for the current month or the prior month. – E.W., Kansas

A: Social Security pays benefits the month after the month they are due. In other words, the check you receive at the beginning of January is actually for the month of December.

Social Security Connection  

Send your Social Security questions to: CAPPER’S, Social Security Connection, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265. Questions will be used as space allows. We are unable to send individual responses.

To contact the Social Security office, call, toll-free, 1 (800) 772-1213, or visit the Web site at www.SocialSecurity.gov.