
Pets and Their Beauty Sleep

Reader Contribution by Mel Boone
Published on August 21, 2017
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Pumpkin resting in bathroom sink.

I admire people and animals who seem to be able to a nap pretty much wherever. The pets do give me a laugh. Mainly because I can’t believe that they can pick a spot, fall asleep, and be comfortable all at the same time.

Tang takes a siesta on the couch.

Missy has claimed the kitchen sink upon occasion to lay her feline body for a nap. Tippy, her offspring, prefers the back of the sofa. Sofie, the back of the recliner, or the kitchen table if it means a head rub because she’s in my way.

At night, I can’t sleep without both of them under the blanket with me. It’s really not my decision, it’s theirs. They insist that we must sleep like we are sardines in a can. Once in a while when I get up from bed and come back, I find Jake on top of my pillow. Once in a while, he’s under my pillow. I’ve yet to figure that one out.

Jake really enjoys sleeping on top of my stepdad. We’re not sure why. It’s funny, though. A life size human pillow. Jake must be comfortable since he does it a lot.

Jake uses my stepdad as a cozy spot to sleep.

And so it goes in the lives of our pets.

Sometimes Jake likes to sleep under the pillow.