It has been raining off and on here since the month of May began. Don’t get me wrong, rain is great, but I have had enough for a bit. The temperature has even taken a slight nosedive. I can’t control Mother Nature, so I have to readjust a little bit.
I’ve had to put my rubber boots that I bought from Orschlen’s a few years ago into service more that what I would like. They at least keep my feet dry. As for Jake, I wish I had had the foresight to buy some of those dog booties I’ve seen in dog supply catalogs. So instead, I will keep a small container of water and a washcloth at the back door to wash his paws before letting him back in the house. I can make do with that until I get those booties ordered.
Photo: Fotolia/bebeball
The garden has been growing like crazy. My vegetables and flowers have been growing fast. With that being said, so have the grass and weeds.; I’ve managed to keep up with weeding the garden and using the weed eater around the property, but after 10 days, the yard finally got mowed on Monday. It was the first dry day the lawn mower could be used without leaving tracks or ruts in the yard. What a relief to get that chore done since Memorial Day Weekend is slowly closing in.
I’m keeping a close watch on the weather for the holiday weekend. I plan on setting a few U.S. flag out for the holiday, perhaps even attaching them to the antique tractors in the yard. I recently purchased one of these 10-by-10, easy-up tents like the ones you can find at EZ-UP Direct. What a great purchase for me to have. It’s fully assembled, in its own carrying case with wheels, and simple enough for me to put up myself. I can use it for my yard sales plus when I take my tractors to the shows this year.
I hope everyone has a great and safe Memorial Day Weekend!
Photo: Fotolia/ASP Inc.