
The Best Caramel Popcorn

Reader Contribution by Mary Conley
Published on December 19, 2014
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Dear friends,

I’m not the world’s best cook. Far from it. So, if someone says I make the world’s best caramel popcorn, I’m going with it!

The first time I realized it was extra good was when I gave some as a Christmas gift to the principal of my children’s school. She called and told me how delicious it was and that her husband insisted she get the recipe! I have continued to hear the same praise over the years.

The recipe is from a dear friend, Arlene Neumann, and it is found in an old Christian school fundraiser cookbook. It is not difficult, but don’t stray from my directions, because there are two important things to remember:

#1 Use butter regardless of the cost. When I first started making this recipe, it called for margarine. Margarine was the thing back then, but I use real butter, and that is what makes the difference.

#2 No one likes old maids, so pop it into one pan, pick it up with your open fingers to measure and transfer to another pan. I use roasting pans.

Caramel Popcorn
1 cup butter (2 sticks)
2 cups brown sugar
1/2 cup dark Karo syrup
1/2 teaspoon soda
5 quarts popped corn

In a heavy pan, boil butter, brown sugar and syrup for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, and stir in soda. Stir well.

The mixture will double in size so use a large enough pan. Pour over popcorn and mix until the popcorn is evenly coated. Place in two cake pans or jelly roll pans. (I use one roaster pan.)

Bake at 250 F for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Remove from pans and stir once or twice while it cools so that it doesn’t stick together.

Use a heavy pan. After boiling for 5 minutes, take it off the heat and add the baking soda. It will double in size.

Pour it over the measured popcorn and mix until the popcorn is evenly coated.

Bake for an hour at 250 F and stir every 15 minutes.

Store in an airtight container.

It has become popular to make caramel popcorn in the microwave. It is easy, fast, and good. However, now you know how to make the world’s best!

How do I know it is the world’s best? My husband, Larry, always tells me so!