
Be My Valentine

Reader Contribution by Mel Boone
Published on February 13, 2018
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Valentine’s Day is upon us already. I’m not sure how it could be that February is half gone by now, but it is and love and romance is in the air. It’s is a joyful day for those who have a significant other to spend it with.

Chocolate and flowers will be delivered to many loved ones. Dinner date reservations will be made. Romance, it does still exist. It’s a wonderful holiday that ends too soon and we’re left with wonderful memories.

I wonder how many are in the same boat with me. I don’t have that special person in my life, so Valentine’s Day ends up just another day. No chocolate, no flowers, no dinner date. Then sometimes I wonder if I’m selling myself short on that idea.

I wake up every morning to a couple of furry creatures that insist on showering me with dog kisses every morning. If I leave, they greet me at the door excited to see me every time I come home. So what if I’m not greeted with candy and flowers? At least I’m greeted by those who honestly adore and are happy to see me.

The dinner dates are every day. That pretty much means that I eat while Jake and Buddy watch me in hopes of getting a nibble of whatever I’m eating. I guess that beats the heck out of eating alone even though the conversation can be one sided most of the time.

Maybe it is a good thing just to have them. I mean, if I was in an actual relationship, I wouldn’t want the typical Valentine’s Day presents. I love dark chocolate, but I have way too many pounds on my body to loose. I have jewelry that I love the looks of, but I rarely wear any. I just don’t dress up enough to justify wearing rings and necklaces and I’m not wearing them when I’m working on an antique tractor. Flowers will eventually die.

Want to buy me something for Valentine’s Day? Then buy me a dwarf fruit tree like what I see in the seed catalogs this time of year. How about fixing the flat tire that I have on my John Deere B. I’ve got a few accessories that I’m looking for to put on my Massey Ferguson (plus I need to drain the fluid out of the rear tires). My point being, I love the things that I can actually use a lot more than the gifts that only last a little while or end up just collecting dust.

Better yet, grab a dog leash in one hand and my hand in the other hand. I could always use a good partner when I’ve got two terriers to walk.

Photo by Getty Images/Melpomenem