
Creative Mailboxes

Reader Contribution by D. Susan Rutz
Published on May 22, 2012
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As a young student, I lived in Virginia and

field trips at that time meant a day in Washington D.C. visiting the museums. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun. Anytime you get out of class to spend the day

somewhere else, it’s fun, and we saw a lot of interesting things in those museums. I liked the Natural History the best, because of the dinosaurs (yes, even

back in the old days before dinosaurs became cool, I liked them).

Now that I live in the Midwest and I am semi-retired, my field trips can involve various excursions in the country.

I love spending the day driving around the countryside investigating what is happening in my own backyard. I keep searching for scarecrows, but the fields

these days don’t display the stick figures that once graced a corn field with pride. I’ve also noticed that there are not as many weather vanes to crown old

red barns as there used to be.  Change, everything has to change, and when some of the old favorites disappear, new ones pop up.  I am referring to

the art of mailboxes.

Throughout my search for the scarecrow, I noticed that some folks get real creative with their mailboxes. If you have something old lying around, don’t

throw it away, use it to hold up your mailbox. I have seen the graceful art of mailbox designs as a challenge to find the most inventive creations. I carry

my camera everywhere I go, just in case I see a winner.

Some mailboxes are covered with designs and surrounded by flowers.

Mailbox decorated with flowers
Mailbox decorated with flowers.

Others are encased in stone to protect their valuables from vandals.

Mailbox encased in brickwork
Mailbox encased in brickwork.

I appreciate the effort homeowners put into their mailboxes creating a statement of pride for the neighborhood to enjoy. 

Mailbox with water-pump stand
Mailbox with water-pump stand.

Mailbox using disks stand
Mailbox using disks stand.

Check out your neighborhood for outstanding mailboxes and leave me a comment about what you find. I know I’m going to keep searching for the ultimate in

mailbox expression. Next Field Trip: Random Acts of Patriotism.