Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for his people! (Psalm 66:5 New Living Translation)
Miracles are awesome, unexplainable events that occur by the divine power of God. The purpose of a miracle is to show the wonderful, mighty power of God. They provide great opportunities for testimonies and witnessing about God’s mercy, power and love.
Miracles are life-changing events and can come at any time and in different forms. The type of the miracle depends on the individual need. Healing of an illness, deliverance from an addiction, and financial miracles are just some examples. The possibilities are endless. Regardless of the type of miracle given, it will always increase faith in God. The witnessing of these miracles has a strong impact on the doubter, who finds it necessary to see before they will believe.
Miracles provide opportunities for second chances, new outlooks and better qualities of life. Miracles occur by faith, through prayer, and the moving of God’s Spirit.
There are countless miracles mentioned in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, from a donkey that speaks to the resurrection of the dead. God is still in the miracle-working business. There are still blinded eyes receiving sight, crippled legs that are walking for the first time, and yes, even people being raised from the dead. Not just healings, but every sort of awesome event.
God has no respect of persons, so if He is healing one person, one group, one area, He can surely do it for another. If God is transforming situations in one place, He can do it in another. We are the ones who put the limits on an unlimited God. We are the ones who tend to bind the hands of the Miracle Worker with doubt and unbelief.
We must have full trust and faith in God to meet us at our needs and to answer our earnest prayers. We have to expect that He is going to work these miracles. Faith is the essential aspect in which these miracles can occur and be performed. Believe that God will deliver. Believe that the Great Physician can accomplish any task, and bring restoration to any broken area.
We serve an amazing God, who can do anything, at any time. The scriptures tell us that with God all things are possible, not some things, not the simple or easy things, but all things. Never look at a situation, illness or need as hopeless.
Personally, I have witnessed miracles. I have been a recipient of miracles. Members of my family have received miracles of divine healing and deliverance, among other extraordinary interventions from the Lord God Almighty. Was the power of God made manifest with strong impact? Absolutely! Were the experiences life-changing? Definitely! Do I believe in miracles? You better believe I do!
About the author: Cindie York has been a Christian for 18 years. She is a Sunday School teacher at her local church, and she enjoys Bible study and growing in the knowledge of God’s word.
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