“If you don’t like the weather, just wait a bit and the weather will change.” That’s the old saying that popped into my mind this morning as I left home for the library to write my blog for Capper’s Farmer.
I went through the weekend with fairly nice temperatures. The sun was out, the trees were starting to bud and a few spring flowers are starting to show. Today, I walk out of the house to find it snowing. Just lightly, but coming down more than it was a few minutes ago and starting to stick. One more reminder to me that Mother Nature hasn’t quite had enough of winter yet.
So close to spring I can almost reach it. I’ve had my fill of cabin fever and yet I patiently wait for the last grip of winter to release me to spring, summer and another year of tractor shows.
I look out the library windows and see the snow coming down just a little harder. A little bit of fog is slowly rolling in. I’m regretting the fact that I chose to wear a slightly lighter coat this morning. My usual winter coat hangs on the coat rack at home next to the kitchen door. Guess which coat has my warm winter gloves in the pocket? They sure won’t do me much good on the drive home.
That’s life here where I am. Of course, I don’t think it would be any different if I lived anywhere else. Mother Nature will do as she pleases regardless of what I would like. I make do with the “funny weather” and will deal with whatever comes next as it happens.
All I have to do is wait. The sun will come out again and warm things up. All it takes is a little bit of patience.