
Letters to the Editor From Our Readers, Summer 2014

By Letters To The Editor
Published on April 1, 2014
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Cover of October 1927 Capper's Farmer issue.
Cover of October 1927 Capper's Farmer issue.
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Cover of Capper's Farmer July 1927 issue.
Cover of Capper's Farmer July 1927 issue.

“Thank You” From a Happy Reader

I just wanted to shout out a huge “thank you” for making Capper’s Farmer a subscription magazine! I love this magazine and have been picking it up since the very first issue. I subscribed the minute I saw that we finally could. Thanks again for such a great magazine.

Jone Betts
Conrad, Iowa

Old Issues Still Offer Good Reading

My sister recently came upon a 1929 original issue of Capper’s Farmer, and we have enjoyed reading the articles and information so much. I was hoping it would be possible to get other old issues of the magazine. We will definitely be subscribing for current issues as well. I was quite surprised to see all the great information on the website, too.

Patti Cook
Prineville, Oregon

We hope you enjoy the new Capper’s Farmer as much as you’ve enjoyed the 1929 issue, Patti. Unfortunately, we don’t have access to the archive. An online search for back issues led us to eBay. Good luck to you! – Editors


An issue of Capper’s Farmer caught my eye at the grocery store recently, and I bought a copy for two reasons. First, it brought back memories of seeing the magazine in our home many years ago, and secondly, the attractive cover indicated good-quality reading, which I needed since I had been snowed in for almost a week.

Back at home, after putting away the groceries, I sat down for a good read. I was so delighted with the contents that I immediately went 12 miles back to the grocery store and bought the other two copies — one for my daughter in Idaho, and the other for my sister in New York, who, by the way, grew Victory Garden 4-H projects during World War II.

Capper’s Farmer is pure nostalgia with practical applications. Love it!

E. Colleen Duncan
Veedersburg, Indiana

Loving Your Chickens

Although I enjoyed your Spring issue, the article “Eating Animals You Raise: Separating Pets From Meat” was very upsetting. I was appalled by the author’s take on chickens. She talks about them like they’re creatures from the black lagoon. Coming from a chicken owner and lover, my chickens have never pecked each other to death or smelled badly; several were even cuddly. I’m not saying chickens are cuter than puppies, but give your meat some respect. The author is obviously disgusted by these amazing creatures. Next time, find a homestead where the people equally respect the animals and encourage people to join in the eco-friendly adventure that is livestock owning. If I were new to chickens, she would have turned me away immediately.

Abigail Hart
via Facebook

While the point of that article was more to show how folks can raise livestock for a variety of reasons, you do make an excellent point, Abigail, that it could have been a little discouraging to people interested in chicken keeping. We do try, however, to balance such points of view, and in this issue, we’re featuring an article on using chickens as therapy animals. We think you’ll really enjoy it; it highlights all the wonderful benefits of keeping chickens. – Editors

Capper’s Farmer welcomes letters from our readers. If you’d like to comment on an article our share your opinions, send us an email (with photos, jpegs at least 300 dpi, if available) to ktrimble@cappersfarmer.com, send a letter via the USPS to Capper’s Farmer Editorial, Rural Free Delivery, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609, or post your comment on our Facebook page. (Electronic and social media submissions are more likely to generate a timely response.)