Where Are the Cranberries?
Love the Capper’s Farmer magazine! Just a note, though: In the Winter 2014 issue, the Cranberry Bran Loaf recipe calls for cranberries rinsed and drained, then set aside. I followed the recipe, but couldn’t find when to add the cranberries. When was I supposed to add them?
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Right you are, Bonnie. The cranberries are meant to be added in Step 4, after beating the mixture and before pouring into the prepared pan. Sorry for the confusion! — Editors
Thankful for Our Postal People
One of our greatest blessings in moving to the country has been our rural carrier, Liz. Early on, I offered to furnish her with fresh eggs anytime she wished. I told her if she would leave an empty carton in the mailbox, I would be sure it was full for her pick-up the next day. Imagine my surprise when one day I opened the box to retrieve the mail and there was a fresh-baked loaf of bread!
On another occasion, when Liz was dropping off a package, my husband mentioned he was suffering miserably with hay fever. The next day, a jar of honey from her hive was in the box, along with instructions. We are interested in keeping bees, and now she is helping us set up our first hive.
When stray dogs wander onto the property, all we have to do is mention it to Liz, and she can tell us where they’ve wandered from, so we can get them back home. I pray the day never comes that the rural carrier is obsolete.
Charla Emery
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Items Worth Noting
From the Winter 2014 issue: The article “When Fall Brings Pumpkins, Make Pumpkin Butter” makes reference to canning pumpkin butter. As of 1994, the USDA no longer recommends home canning of pumpkin butter or other mashed and pureed squashes because of the risk of botulism. For more information, visit the National Center for Home Food Preservation.
From the Spring 2015 issue: The blog excerpt titled “Frustrations of a First-Time Milker” was mistakenly credited to the wrong author. We sincerely apologize for the error, and would like to give proper credit to blogger Amy Conley.
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Capper’s Farmer welcomes letters from our readers. If you’d like to comment on an article or share your opinions, send us an email (with photos, jpegs at least 300 dpi, if available) to ktrimble@cappersfarmer.com, send a letter via the USPS to Capper’s Farmer Editorial, Rural Free Delivery, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609, or post your comment on Facebook. (Electronic and social media submissions are more likely to generate a timely response.)