I’ve spent my entire life around pets. Dogs, cats, horses, a parrot just to name a few. Even though I may not remember all of their names, they all share one common bond. They weren’t just pets, they became a part of the family.
Recently, I got to thinking about the sleeping habits of pets. Then I started thinking about how they manage to acquire stuff that may not have been theirs to begin with. These thoughts came to me one night when I went to bed and found my 15 pound Jack Russell curled up on my pillow sleeping. It’s not like Jake doesn’t have a purple blanket of his own. He just thinks that my pillow and green afghan are pretty much his. God forbid if I get up in the middle of the night, I come back to him curled up in the spot where my body was and yes, his head will still be on my pillow!
My grandmother has a house dog, Buddy, and five house cats. One of those cats, Pumpkin, is not a Buddy fan. For the longest time, Pumpkin refused to come out from under the bed. Finally, a few months ago, he found another spot where Buddy could not get to him, the bathroom sink. He will curl up in the sink and sleep there for hours on end. If you come into the bathroom, Pumpkin will always accept a pat on the head. Just don’t make him get out of the sink. I’ve long since learned that it is much easier to use the kitchen sink or use Purell rather than to explain the “battle scars” on my hands and arms. I guess I should be glad that I do not brush my teeth at my grandmothers house.
Back when I was younger and still living at home with my parrot Bogie, she had a thing for stealing jewelry. Or at least my mom’s jewelry. Bogie’s cage was right next to the dining room table and Mom always had the habit of taking off her rings and earrings, setting them on the dining room table. Bogie would always wait for Mom to leave the room, then climb out of her cage, onto the table, swipe a piece of jewelry and take it back to her cage. If Mom was gone long enough, Bogie could get several pieces. Once Mom came back into the room, it seemed to take her a while to figure out where her rings went to.
I got the biggest laugh every time Bogie did that. However, Mom never found the humor in it.