
Open Session: July/August 2009

By Capper's Readers
Published on June 19, 2009
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What a beautiful yo-yo bouquet quilt!
What a beautiful yo-yo bouquet quilt!
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Larry and Bonnie Evans' daughter-in-law Terrie Evans created and entered a float at the Gove Old Settlers' Day parade honoring the couple's 50th wedding anniversary.
Larry and Bonnie Evans' daughter-in-law Terrie Evans created and entered a float at the Gove Old Settlers' Day parade honoring the couple's 50th wedding anniversary.

Colorful work

I enjoy reading your letters, and the stories about olden days. Many I could put my own name on.

I wanted to share this photograph with you. It shows a yo-yo bouquet quilt, created with antique buttons. I hope you enjoy it!

Sharon Munsterman – Linneus, Missouri

Very nice, Sharon. Readers who would like to see another example of a yo-yo quilt can go to the “Community” section of www.Cappers.com, and find the Open Session section from May 2009. Accompanying the letters is a photograph of another quilt adorned with these fanciful decorative flourishes. – Editors

Showing CAPPER’S Publications

During the war, I, like many, was a war bride. To help our finances, I worked at CAPPER’S Publications in Topeka, Kansas.

One of my jobs was to be a guide. As such, I explained to each group of visitors how each and every piece of machinery worked to put out the CAPPER’S publications. I so enjoyed being able to show our readers how the paper was put together and published. On many occasions, I would see Arthur Capper himself.

Capper had his birthday party at Garfield Park every year. Everyone had the joyful experience of riding all the rides free. The young boys stood in line to get free ice cream cones, then went back for another after finishing the first.

How great to have been a part of those special times.

Charlene Foster – Longmont, Colorado

‘Tanks’ for the memories

Our little “Half-Mile High” town of Gove, Kansas, is the smallest county seat in the state, with a population of just under 100. Even so, it annually swells to capacity with pride and people on the third Saturday of August. For more than 50 years now, we have been celebrating Gove Old Settlers’ Day with a parade, historical reenactments, races and games, raffles, food, musical entertainment and a dance.

Each year’s parade provides the usual Boy Scouts color guard and float entries from local churches, businesses and organizations. Antique cars, trucks and tractors also make an appearance, as do ponies, horses and buggies.

Terri Evans created my favorite float of all time, an entry honoring the 50th wedding anniversary of her parents-in-law, Larry and Bonnie Evans, and five decades of farming and ranching together in Gove County.

If you look closely, you’ll notice that the float’s wedding cake is made from graduated sizes of metal stock tanks, and its candles are represented by several of Larry and Bonnie’s grandchildren.

Leave it to a country gal to come up with such a clever way to commemorate 50 years of life and love in the country.

Karen Ann Bland – Gove, Kansas

Thanks for your photo, Karen. As you note, Old Settlers’ Day is just around the corner, so any parade lovers who find themselves in Western Kansas in mid-August might want to stop on by. – Editors