
Publishing Book Was Dream Come True

By Heart Of The Home
Published on August 10, 2012
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Ursula Turner
Hard work, determination and a second chance allowed Ursula to become the writer she’d always wanted to be, and to have her work published in book format.

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a writer, and my dream was to publish a book. I couldn’t help but think how nice it would be to see my name on the cover of a best-seller.

There were some stumbling blocks I had placed in my own way, though. For starters, I moved from my home country to the United States, and although I spoke some English, I had been taught British English in the school I had attended, and I found it difficult to understand American English, which is much different, in case you were wondering.

In addition, I had come here with my American husband who had a small son. Family life kept me busy, and at the time, learning the American English language was nearly impossible. Therefore, I felt that my chances of writing a book were pretty close to zero.

As time went on, I had two daughters, which kept me even busier. On the plus side, my English had improved — although it was still far from good enough to be considered book quality.

Going back to school

When all three of the children were enrolled in school, I, too, decided I wanted to go back to school. So, I happily enrolled myself in a learning establishment — the local community college to be exact. I took every writing course they offered, including journalism.

Before long, I was offered the position of lifestyle editor, which had just become available at our local newspaper. I gladly accepted the position.

Publishing book was dream come true

After working at the newspaper for several years, I felt that I was finally ready to write that book.

I decided that, although I was getting a little past the romantic age, I would attempt to write a romance novel. I felt this genre might be easier to write — and I kept the content nice and clean.

With that idea, my first book was born. Although it was self-published and will never win a Pulitzer prize, I am just as proud of A Mother’s Sins as if a world-famous publishing firm had given it the light of day.

Given the opportunity, I eagerly went back to school and overcame the language barrier that was standing in the way of my dream. Now I can proudly hold in my hands all six of the books I’ve written.

Coffeyville, Kansas 

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