
Letters to the Editor from the Summer 2016 Issue

By The Capper's Farmer Staff
Published on June 27, 2016
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Photo by Janyce Draper
A Model G Allis-Chalmers owned by John Draper, of Paris, Texas.

Fan of Allis-Chalmers

I read with interest the article “The Truth About Old Tractors” in the Summer 2015 issue of Capper’s Farmer.

Back in 1971, my husband, John, bought a Model G Allis-Chalmers (above), which he still has – and continues to keep freshly painted and repaired. We have almost an acre of land, and John uses that old tractor to mow the yard. He also uses it to plow the vegetable garden.

We’ve had several people stop by wanting to buy it, but our oldest grandson has already put in his bid for it.

Janyce Draper
Paris, Texas

Farmall Family

The Fall 2015 issue was certainly enjoyable. Of special interest to me was the Farmall story on Page 15 (part of “Pages From the Past”).

I grew up on my grandfather’s farm in east-central Furnas County, Nebraska. My uncle farmed with a Farmall F-20, on steel wheels as I remember. It was gray with red wheels.

He traded for an F-30 on steel wheels in the spring of 1934, and it was also gray with red wheels. In May 1938, he upgraded to a red F-30 narrow tread on steel.

A year later, he traded for a set of rear wheels with knobby tread and replaced the front wheels with rubber. That was a big improvement and helped cut down dusty conditions around the farmstead and on the roads.

I graduated in May 1944, and planted about 225 acres of corn with that red F-30 and a John Deere pull-type lister planter. Not long after that, I was drafted into the U.S. Army. Upon my return home in late 1946, that F-30 was still going strong.

My wife’s father had a red Farmall F-20 on steel as well, and later changed over to rubber. I don’t know much about his tractor, but I know it was a reliable Farmall.

Thank you for a great publication.

Gayle Woodruff
Kearney, Nebraska

We thought that article might spark some memories with our readers. Glad you enjoyed it, Gayle! – Editors

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