

Reader Contribution by Mel Boone
Published on May 1, 2018
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Spring is here, finally. After what seemed like forever, Mother Nature has finally loosened her grip on winter. The snow is gone and the temperature is finally warmed up. At last, I can enjoy the outdoors. I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to shake loose from the cabin fever that I had.

It’s a wonderful thing to witness the changing of the seasons. Everywhere around me, I see trees in bloom. Red and yellow tulips are in full bloom as well. I just love to see the tulips at one house here in town. Whoever lives there has taken the time and care to plant tulip bulbs, in alternating red and yellow along the sidewalk in front and along the side of the house. I admire his or her green thumb and the care that this person has taken to make these flowers and yard look so beautiful. It puts a smile on my face every time I drive by.

White blossoms from my neighbors tree are a beautiful sight too. I get to look at the tree several times a day when I take Jake and Buddy out for a walk. I don’t know if it’s a cherry tree or some other tree that has white blooms on it, but I must ask. It has been in her yard for as long as I can remember. The tree seems to have more and more white blooms on it with each passing year. It never fails to take my breath away every time that I see it.

It never fails that I will see an occasional wild rabbit in my yard. Before long, I will catch a glimpse of little baby bunnies hopping around. There are a couple sets of squirrels in the neighborhood. I’m sure the neighborhood will be graced with their offspring running from tree to tree before long. Of course, with squirrels, I figure it’s a blessing as long as they are in the trees and not the attic, right?

Birds are making nests, if they have not done so already. I love watching the little birds leave the nest for the first time as they learn to fly. Just a few days ago, I saw the first butterfly, a white one, of the spring as I took an afternoon walk with Buddy. I stopped and watched as it gracefully fluttered through the air while Buddy trailed a scent of something that was no longer there. I wish I was as graceful walking as butterflies are at flying, but I am not.

So it goes that way. Even though I’ll never have the gracefulness of that butterfly, I am still grateful. I’ve gotten up today and walked outside to witness all of nature’s beauty that is known as Spring. I guess sometimes Mother Nature has a reason for making us wait a little longer for the changing of the seasons. It makes us appreciate it a little more when it finally happens.

Photo by Getty Images/Milaspage.