A bit of kindness on the part of one community inspired similar generosity on the part of another.
A recent story in the Sioux City Journal reports that an item in CAPPER’S about a town that baked thousands of cookies in a day for troops overseas inspired a 4-H Club to follow suit.
The CAPPER’S item, a story from the Associated Press that appeared on the cover of our December 2008 issue, reported that the Hyde Park, N.Y., Chamber of Commerce was able to cook up enough community spirit to get 6,600 cookies baked in a day, and in the mail the next. They were shipped to soldiers with notes from volunteers.
Among the readers who saw the item were members of the Good Luck Clovers 4-H Club in Sioux City, Iowa. The group decided to try to get 1,200 cookies in the mail to 20 soldiers serving overseas.
The 16 students from area schools got together at Blessed Sacrament School on a Sunday to bake. They donated the dough for the cookies, and sold pies at churches to cover shipping costs.
The members also wrote messages and decorated cards to include with the shipment, which they expected to reach soldiers in about a week.