
Your Replies to How You Would Spend Another Hour at Your Childhood Home

Reader Contribution by Mary Conley
Published on March 16, 2015
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Dear Friends,

Awhile back, I wrote the post “A Final Hour On the Farm Where I Was Raised.” Oh, my, I didn’t see it coming, but this is how 255 of you Capper’s Farmer and GRIT followers told us you would spend an hour at your childhood home if you could. I want to thank each one of you for sharing. It was so very touching. I read every reply, and it made me feel a connection to all of you in a world that is moving so quickly.

Listen up readers! Maybe you still have the opportunity to do some of the things these people only wish they could do.

So many of you wanted to go back and get some peonies, iris, blackberries, raspberries, and other plants your parents or grandparents had. “If only I could get or just smell the lilacs again!” you said.

Then there were the photos. You would take snapshots for you and your children of all the rooms in your home and areas of your yard or farm.

Many of you would spend time with Mom or Dad. “Work with my dad.” “I would just sit and talk to Dad or Mom.” I agree. So often, I have questions about something, or wish I had listened more closely when they told me the old stories.

Father and daughter having a chat.

I was very surprised at the number of you who mentioned your grandma and sometimes both grandparents. “I would just hug my grandma and tell her how much she meant to me!” It blessed my heart to hear your love for them.

Making memories: I think our grandchildren will remember all the holidays they camped out on air-mattresses at our house, and the wonderful time we had with each other! When they are as old as I am, I think they might say, “I would love to spend one more hour at Grandma and Grandpa’s house at Christmas time!”

“Tell my parents not to get divorced and make them play with me in the yard.”

“Ask Granddaddy to read me the Little Golden Books! Oh, to hear his wonderful voice again!”

“I would tell my mom and dad how much I love and appreciate them.”

“Just love everyone!”

“I would sit on the garden bench and shell peas with my grandmother, and we would laugh while we worked.”

“I would look at my old comic book collection.”

You remembered your first true love who lived next door! “Find the girl I gave my first kiss and really lay one on to her now that I know what I’m doing!”

“I would walk around and soak up the memories so I won’t forget.”

“I would carry out as much as my arms could hold of the old toys, jars, etc.”

A couple of you buried things and forgot to dig them up when you left! LOL!

You preferred the quiet life with friendly neighbors instead of the busy traffic noise and people who don’t know each other. You liked neighborhood gatherings. You would visit your high school.

Then my heart hurt for those of you who wanted to burn the place to the ground or wished you had left earlier. “Burn the hell hole to the ground!” “Burn it down!” “Biggest source of sadness and abuse.” “Burn it!” “I would curse and burn it. It was not a happy place.” “Burn it to the ground!” I was shocked to hear so many of you express that. It is my hope for you that the pain will fade and the good things, yes there had to be some good things, will be remembered, too.

Here are some of the good things often mentioned: pets, nature, ponds, rivers, climbing trees, walks in the fields, swinging, playing in the loft, coloring and doing simple family things, riding your horse, caring for livestock, walking barefoot, picnics, fishing, making homemade ice cream, catching fireflies, playing dolls and jacks.

Many of you stated that you still live in your childhood home, came back to live there, or are wishing to buy it. Some of you have visited it recently.

Then there were those of you who moved so often that you didn’t know which place you would like to visit for an hour! I can’t relate to that, but I also can’t help but think that you have some unique memories that none of the rest of us have!

One woman said that everyone has a story, and it was nice having a place where we all could share. A few of you thanked me for taking you down memory lane. Actually, I felt your comments did that for me. What a special time we all had together! Thank you!