
December Planting Dates

By Cappers
Published on November 1, 2006

Almanac planting dates for December are:

Dec. 1: A poor time to plant.

Dec. 2-3: Fine for planting beans, peppers, cucumbers, melons and other aboveground crops where climate is suitable.

Dec. 4-6: Seeds planted now tend to rot in the ground.

Dec. 7-8: Most favorable days for planting beets, onions, turnips and other root crops where climate allows. Plant seedbeds and flower gardens.

Dec. 9-13: A most barren period. Kill plant pests and do general farm work.

Dec. 14-16: Favorable days for planting root crops; fine for sowing grains, hay and forage crops; plant flowers.

Dec. 17-18: Plant carrots, beets, onions, turnips, Irish potatoes and other root crops in the South. Lettuce, cabbage, collards and other leafy vegetables will do well. Start seedbeds.

Dec. 19-20: Do no planting.

Dec. 21-22: Plant sweet corn, beans, peppers and other aboveground crops where climate is suitable.

Dec. 23-24: Good days for killing weeds, briers and other plant pests; poor days for planting.

Dec. 25-26: Plant peppers, sweet corn, tomatoes and other aboveground crops in southern Florida, California and Texas; extra good for cucumbers, peas, cantaloupe and other vine crops.

Dec. 27-29: A poor time to plant.

Dec. 30-31: Fine for planting beans, peppers, cucumbers, melons and other above­ground crops where climate is suitable.