
On The Garden Path

By Elinor Filice
Published on November 1, 2005
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BRILLIANT SIGHT: The author is tempted every year to ask the owners of these coneflowers if she can cut a large bouquet to grace her son and daughter-in-law's home.
BRILLIANT SIGHT: The author is tempted every year to ask the owners of these coneflowers if she can cut a large bouquet to grace her son and daughter-in-law's home.
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DELICATE BEAUTY: This mass of white azaleas are grown in a garden in Dunkirk, N.Y., down the road from Elinor's son and daughter-in-law's house. White azaleas are one of Elinor's favorite flowers.
DELICATE BEAUTY: This mass of white azaleas are grown in a garden in Dunkirk, N.Y., down the road from Elinor's son and daughter-in-law's house. White azaleas are one of Elinor's favorite flowers.
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MAGNIFICENT: 'Each year, my cactus plant blooms to a new height, a wider span, and it looks more beautiful than the year before, with its magnificent yellow flowers,' Elinor says.
MAGNIFICENT: 'Each year, my cactus plant blooms to a new height, a wider span, and it looks more beautiful than the year before, with its magnificent yellow flowers,' Elinor says.

In summertime, when I visit my son in Dunkirk, N.Y., two patches of flowers in a garden catch my eye. I walk up and down the road past the garden many times during my stay, admiring the gorgeous flowers.

One of the patches boasts big, bright coneflowers. I’m always tempted to ask the owners if I can cut a generous bouquet to grace my son and daughter-in-law’s table, but then I think twice, seeing how Mother Nature takes care of them so ideally right there to make a perfect picture.

The other patch bears the largest mass of white azaleas that I’ve ever seen. They look so delicate one might think a gust of wind would blow them away. Azaleas, especially white ones, are one of my all-time favorite flowers.

In my own garden, I look forward to the spectacular blooms of my hardy cactus plant. It’s an extraordinary plant. Once it has bloomed for the summer, it lies dormant and survives the cold winter.

I once read a quote in CAPPER’S: ‘Each garden has its own surprise.’ That is so true. Each year, my cactus plant blooms to a new height, a wider span, and it looks more beautiful than the year before, with its magnificent yellow flowers.

A little cutting of this plant easily starts a new one. It makes me happy to know that I’ve shared mine with others, so they, too, can enjoy the beauty of a hardy cactus plant.

Share your garden

    Do you have a favorite garden spot? CAPPER’S invites you to share it with other readers. Write a story describing a garden that is special to you. Tell us what makes it unique.

    Send your story, along with good-quality photos or slides, to: CAPPER’S, On The Garden Path, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265.

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