
Carrot Time Fun Time

Reader Contribution by Mary Conley
Published on July 25, 2016
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Dear Friends,

I know. This is the third post I’ve done on our garden this season. I can’t help it. I’ve had somewhat of a garden many times, but I’ve never had such a beautiful, complete kitchen garden like this one in my whole long life! It is such a delight to go to it almost daily and pick fresh vegetables.

According to the carrot seed package, today is the day the carrots should be ready. I have been pulling one each day to grate into our salads, and put a few in with a roast this week. But today, ta da, I declared them finished.

Half carrots: Do you know about half carrots? Well, I didn’t, and I also didn’t notice those words on the seed package. So, that is what I planted. Half carrots. As you can see from the above photo, they are short and a little too fat at the top, but really very nice and not misshapen as long carrots often are. They taste just fine, too. Although my soil was dug deep with the Mantis and mixed loosely with sand, I was thinking that half carrots might be the answer for some of you who can’t prepare your soil deep enough for the long variety. Just a thought.

Anyway, I was pulling the carrots and snipping off the tops, when Larry saw me and asked if he shouldn’t be doing that hard work for me. I said, “No, it isn’t too difficult.” Then, I got to thinking that I always get the pleasure of the harvesting, and so I told him he might actually enjoy it. I had to smile as I saw from his body language that he really did think it difficult and was about to give a mighty tug! Out popped the carrot from the soil he had so nicely prepared back in May. He smiled and never tired of hearing that little “pop” as the beautiful carrots came out of the dirt. Together we completed the task, as he pulled and I snipped off the tops. Then we carried in our pail of carrots and took the tops to the compost. We not only had a good harvest, but shared a rewarding moment. It was fun.