
Signs of Spring

Reader Contribution by Dj Wilson
Published on April 28, 2014
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As I write this post, the wind is howling and the wind chill is below zero. We have a barn full of does and kids that are doing their very best to cuddle up and stay warm. Two days ago I was in shirt sleeves and hauling horse manure around to fertilize all the flowerbeds, roses and jonquils that are bursting through the soil. March is coming in like a lion and if that old saying is correct, it will go out like a lamb.

It is time to start your tomato, pepper and eggplant seeds! I am working on it. I have three trays in the south window of the living room. They have been planted for about five days, and I am watching for those first sprouts to appear. I have made several seed orders and would have planted lettuce and spinach today if it had not been sub-zero! You know that is OK, because in about four days it will be in the 50s and 60s, and I will plant them then.

We have been talking about our list of things to accomplish as the weather continues to improve. We are going to re-seed the pastures this year. Our pastures feed the horses, cattle and goats and also our honey bees. We will plant crimson, white and yellow clover along with a grass mixture in the pastures and Dutch clover in the orchard.

We will also start some new hives of bees as we continue to re-build the bee hive population. We are looking forward to working with the bees and enjoying the honey.

Dad has more than 100 fruit trees in the front yard, and they are in need of pruning.

Yes, it is time for spring! I have memorized the seed catalogues, read tons of books, and filled the wood stove more times than I can count. So now … spring!

Enjoy and thanks for shooting the breeze!

DJ Wilson