
Cute Pot Holder Zipper Pouch

By Jennifer Casa
Published on April 11, 2018
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Use for carrying your phone and necessities.
Use for carrying your phone and necessities.
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“Vintage Made Modern” by Jennifer Casa, is filled with a variety of project ideas to bring new life into vintage crafts.
“Vintage Made Modern” by Jennifer Casa, is filled with a variety of project ideas to bring new life into vintage crafts.

Vintage Made Modern: Transforming Timeworn Textiles into Treasured Heirlooms(Roost Books, 2014), by Jennifer Casa, is a great read for anyone looking to repurpose old heirlooms. Casa shares many new ideas with modern twists. Find this project in “Kitchen Linens.”

Oftentimes while thrifting or antiquing, you will come across unique crocheted pot holders. I marvel at the handwork that went into making each piece and frequently find them making their way into my shopping basket. In addition to using them as originally intended, you might feature their graphic shapes and pops of color as a decorative grouping in your home, as well as use them as charming accessories. Use a square pot holder to create the bag as shown, or choose two of your favorites to create a pretty little pouch to organize your bits and bobs in your everyday bag. You often can find these crocheted pot holders in interesting shapes. Consider making a smaller version of this pouch using two of your favorites with similar shapes and sizes!

Finished Measurements

5″ × 10″

What You Need

• Vintage cotton crocheted pot holder: (1 piece) 10″ × 10″

• Strong thread for hand-sewing in a complementary color (such as 100% cotton quilting thread)

• Fabric for the lining: (2 pieces) 5″ × 10″

• 10″ zipper (or zipper sized to fit your pot holders)

How to Make

1. Fold the potholder in half with the desired side facing out, and pin the two short sides together. Hand-sew the sides together using a backstitch, leaving the top long edge open for the zipper.

2. Place the lining fabrics right sides together, and pin along one long and both short sides. Sew the three sides of the lining together using a 1/2″ seam allow­ance. Press on both sides. Turn the top raw edge of the lining fabric over 1/2″ toward its wrong side and press.

3. With the right side of the lining facing inward, place the lining inside the pot holder pouch so their wrong sides are together. Starting at one end of the pouch opening, pin the zipper end in place between the exterior and lining at theseam. Unzip the zipper, and carefully pin it to each corresponding side of the pouch, sandwiching it between the pot holder and lining fabrics. When you reach the other end of the pouch, tuck the other end of the zipper in between the lining and pot holder before pinning it.

4. Hand-sew the zipper to the pouch using a needle and thread, being careful that you are securing the zipper to the corresponding exterior pot holder as well as the lining fabrics. A backstitch is great for this and will make the zipper extra secure.

More from Vintage Made Modern: Transforming Timeworn Textiles into Treasured Heirlooms:

Handmade Patchwork Steering Wheel Cover

How to Build an Heirloom Fabric Photo Cube

No-Sew Cutter Quilt Wreath

From Vintage Made Modern: Transforming Timeworn Textiles into Treasured Heirlooms by Jennifer Casa, © 2014 by Jennifer Casa. Reprinted by arrangement with Roost Books, an imprint of Shambhala Publications, Inc., Boulder, CO. www.roostbooks.com