
Country Christmas Cards

Reader Contribution by Gina Mcknight
Published on December 7, 2016
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My mother always makes a big deal about Christmas cards. Since we’re a farm family, she likes to send a Christmas card with a red barn on it, similar to one of our own red barns. We love creating our own Country Christmas Cards — it’s so much fun!

Of course, the first step in creating a Country Christmas Card is getting the family together … or in my case, my horses. They are just like kids and only pose when they feel like it, hamming it up and wiggling around the corral. It takes pre-planning, decorating, and a lot of patience.

This year, the sun was just right, the sky was azure blue, and the clouds were gently holding their place, all in position for perfect pictures. Wreaths were placed intentionally on the white corral fence, the horses were in the corral, and then it was time to get the horses to cooperate. Treats always help. My gelding does not like apples, only sugar cubes; my mare loves apples and oatmeal cookies. Whatever it takes to get the perfect pose: a handful of sugar cubes and cookies in my pocket, a jingle of my keys, and the hopes of another treat, Zubie my mare, and Mac, my gelding, are ready. Manes combed, faces brushed, they look perfect. Just like kids, they begin to get impatient and prance back and forth, nibbling the greenery (*sigh*). Finally, an hour later and over 50 clicks, I am satisfied with the pictures. I think you will find the spirit of the season in my pictures of Zubie and Mac. They make me smile, and I hope you are smiling, too. Merry Christmas!