
Playing in the Dirt

By Family Features
Published on May 2, 2012
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Anita P. Peppers/Fotolia
Studies reveal that children who play outside in the dirt are not only happier, but also tend to be healthier than children who spend most of their time inside.

Dirt is a bad word to many moms, but letting your children get dirty is actually good for them, according to a new report from the National Wildlife Federation, “The Dirt on Dirt: How Getting Dirty Outdoors Benefits Kids.”

Fears about dangers lurking in the muck – microbes, parasites and amoebas, oh my! – keep some parents from letting children do what comes naturally, which is to go outside and get dirty.

But here’s a dirty little secret: Children who spend the better part of their free time in the company of their sterile hi-tech gadgets rather than playing outside are more vulnerable to obesity, ADHD, vitamin D deficiency and depression.

There’s a growing body of research that suggests overprotecting children from dirt and germs may actually inhibit their physical health and resilience. Activities children love, such as making mud pies, splashing in puddles and rolling down hillsides are actually a grubby prescription for health and happiness.

Some findings from various reports include:

  • Children’s stress levels fall within minutes of seeing green spaces, according to a 2004 study in the American Journal of Public Health.
  • When children are exposed to germs and pathogens during infancy, their risk of cardiovascular inflammation in adulthood is reduced, according to a 2010 Northwestern University study.
  • A friendly bacteria found in soil helps produce serotonin, which enhances feelings of well-being, much the same way that antidepressant drugs and exercise do, according to a 2007 Bristol University study.

While common sense sanitation practices like washing hands and using hand sanitizer when soap and water aren’t available shouldn’t stop, you’ll be doing your children a favor if you encourage them to go outside and get dirty.

Here are some fun – and messy – ideas from the National Wildlife Federation that will let your children have some good, clean, dirty fun outdoors:

Be an Artist

  • Give your child a stick and a muddy surface to draw on. Mistakes are no problem. Just smooth them over and start again.
  • Mud balls can become out-of-season snowmen or abstract sculptures. If your child’s creation isn’t sticking together, just add more water.  

Be a Builder 

  • Your children can make buildings of all shapes and sizesif they use sticks to create a frame and pack mud onto it. Houses or forts perhaps, a castle with a moat, or a stable to put toy horses in. 
  • If they also like the idea of large-scale public works, have them make a river by digging a trench in the mud or dirt. Then add water as needed. Most importantly, build a dam to protect the town.

Be a Biologist

  • When it rains, take a walk through your neighborhood to see which animals go undercover and which ones come out in wet weather. You may also see birds swooping down to take a bath in nearby puddles. 
  • This is also a fine time to study worms that surface to breathe when their burrows fill with water. Then, enlist the children in a Worm Rescue Squad and move any worms they find on the sidewalk back to the dirt so they don’t dry out.

Be a Chef

  • If you’re going to play in the mud, why not make some mud pies? If you have some old cake or pie tins, great. Otherwise, shallow plastic containers work just fine. Once the pies are “baked,” it’s time to make them beautiful. Encourage your children to scour the yard for pebbles, petals and leaves that will make perfect decorations on top.
  • Collect dirt, grass, leaves, twigs and acorns in a large container, and you have a bountiful nature salad. Add some water, and it’s mud stew.

To check out the DIRT report, and for more outdoor fun ideas from National Wildlife Federation’s Be Out There movement, visit www.beoutthere.org.