Country living, homesteading, rural life, no matter what you call it, it conjures up different feelings, thoughts and theories of what exactly it means. Much like art, it is in the eye and heart of the beholder. For me and my husband, it is making the most of what we have, either due to necessity or by choice.
We use many of the modern conveniences available while keeping in mind the impact we have on our environment. Over the past 11 years, we have managed to go from 1 acre to approximately 25 acres of land by picking up lots adjoining our original land as they became available.
It is, however, more than just land; it’s more of a mindset, with its roots firmly planted in our respective families’ pioneering pasts. Even though we both come from two totally different cultures, our families have pioneered in one manner or another, mostly in new lands making the best of it using problem-solving skills and being thankful for not just for the ability to support their families but thankful to have the opportunity to do so.
We have a small collection of animals, but year by year it keeps growing. We started with chickens for eggs and meat; we have a trio of goats for milk and brush eradication; and a trio of sheep. Of course, we have dogs; they are for company, stock protection and hunting purposes. But mostly they are our children. My husband Mike and I meet in and married in our mid-30s and have no children together.
My goats and sheep: Nana, Red, Oscar, Martha, Hazel and Charger out in our field.
Because I get attached to anything I raise, I have developed a built-in protective measure. If it has a person’s name, it’s for breeding or a pet of sorts. If it doesn’t, it’s for food. Luckily for my current goat and sheep trios, they all have names. J I plan on introducing you all to them in upcoming posts.
Through this blog I intend to share my insights, experiences, skills new and old, thoughts feelings and humor as I live the lifestyle I am thankful to have the opportunity to have.