
Honey-Roasted Peanut Brittle Recipe

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Nut brittle is easy to make, the perfect snack, and satisfies the salty and sweet cravings at the same time.
Nut brittle is easy to make, the perfect snack, and satisfies the salty and sweet cravings at the same time.
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“The Vintage Baker” by Jessie Sheehan brings together Sheehan’s passion for revamping recipes from vintage recipe pamphlets by adding her own twist and her love of baking and researching.
“The Vintage Baker” by Jessie Sheehan brings together Sheehan’s passion for revamping recipes from vintage recipe pamphlets by adding her own twist and her love of baking and researching.
3-1/2 cups SERVINGS


  • 2 cups [400 g] granulated sugar
  • 2/3 cup [210 g] light corn syrup
  • 2-1/2 cups [350 g] unsalted honey-roasted peanuts
  • 2 tsp flaky sea salt, plus more for sprinkling
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract


  • Lightly grease a baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray or softened butter. Line with parchment paper.
  • Combine the sugar, corn syrup, and 1 cup [240 ml] water in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat.
  • Cook the sugar without stirring, but lift the pan off the heat and swirl its contents periodically to ensure that the sugar cooks evenly.
  • Continue to cook until the mixture darkens to a deep amber color, about 15 minutes (12 minutes for a golden amber, if you prefer a lighter, more sweet-tasting brittle).
  • Remove the pan from the heat and immediately add the nuts. Stir, and add the salt, baking soda, butter, and vanilla. Stir again until incorporated.
  • Pour the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet and, using a small offset spatula or a butter knife greased with nonstick cooking spray or softened butter, smooth out the mixture until it is 1/4 to 1/2 in [6 to 12 mm] thick. Sprinkle with flaky sea salt. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 20 minutes, or on the counter for 1 hour, until the brittle has hardened.
  • Crack it into pieces and serve immediately or store in an airtight container on the counter for up to 3 weeks.
  • More from The Vintage Baker: