
Classic Cottage Cheese from Your Kitchen

Reader Contribution by Candy Kage
Published on November 20, 2018
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How easy is it to make Classic Cottage Cheese from your kitchen? The key word is easy and yes it can be accomplished from your kitchen. This classic Cottage Cheese can be made in one hour and makes approximately 1 1/2 pounds of cottage cheese. Use your fresh Cottage Cheese in lasagna, salad, dips, fruit and pancakes

Supplies Needed:

  • 1/4 measuring cup
  • 1/2 measuring cup
  • 5 quart stockpot
  • large whisk
  • cooking thermometer
  • cheesecloth
  • large colander or mesh strainer
  • large bowl
  • mixing spoon
  • ice bath bowl
  • 1 teaspoon
  • 1 cup


  • 1-1/4 cups cultured buttermilk
  • 1/4 tablet vegetarian rennet
  • 1/2 cup cool water
  • 1 gallon whole milk (not ultra-pasteurized)
  • 3 cups ice cubes
  • 1 teaspoon salt (optional)


  1. Measure 1/4 cup buttermilk. Reserve the rest.
  2. Dissolve the 1/4 tablet of rennet in the 1/2 cup cool water.
  3. Pour milk into stockpot.
  4. Whisk the buttermilk into the milk and heat to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Add the rennet solution to the milk and mix with 15 stirs to make sure the rennet is incorporated.
  6. Remove from heat, cover and let rest for 15 minutes.
  7. Cover colander with cheese cloth and set over large bowl if collecting the whey.
  8. After 15 minutes you will have a pot of curds that looks like yogurt.
  9. Use a spoon or knife to cut into large pieces of curd.
  10. Turn the heat on to medium and let the curds cook for 1 minute. Heat to 115 F.
  11. Curds will start to shrink.
  12. Cut large pieces into smaller pieces until you have the size you want.
  13. Lower the heat to maintain at 115 F degrees and cook your curds for about 5 minutes until they resemble scrambled egg texture.
  14. Turn off the heat and pour the curds and whey into the colander.
  15. Let curds drain and cool for 3 to 5 minutes.
  16. Mix curds gently with your hands breaking down to the size you like.
  17. Prepare an ice bath by mixing the ice cubes and cold water in a large bowl.
  18. Gather the curds filled cheesecloth and dunk into the cold water bath.
  19. When the curds feel cool, twist and squeeze the cloth to wring out excess water.
  20. Unwrap the curds and empty them into a clean bowl.
  21. Add salt and reserved 1 cup buttermilk and stir gently.
  22. You are now ready to enjoy your Classic Cottage Cheese from Your Kitchen

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