‘My thoughts are completely different from yours,’ says the Lord. ‘And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.’ – Isaiah 55:8-9, New Living Translation
If I could pick the single most important key to living a successful Christian life it would be this: Get with God’s program.
Many years ago I was caught in a financial pickle. I was in constant fear of being taken to court. I had the answer. I asked God to give me the money to pay my creditors in one lump sum. I didn’t know where the money would come from — I just knew God could do it. You see, I was afraid. I’d never gone through anything like this before and I wanted to get out of this mess in a hurry.
But God had other plans. His desire, as always, was to bring me closer to Him – to bring me to a higher place of trust. For starters, He wanted to deliver me from fear. One night the Lord spoke to me during a worship service. I came to understand that my fear was completely unwarranted. God was in control and nothing could happen without His say so. That message brought me great comfort.
Secondly, God wanted to show me that He has many ways of solving a problem. I limited God by praying for the money to come in all at once. Over the months God helped me overcome my money challenges using a method I would never have thought of.
How easy it is to latch on to a certain thought and be tempted to believe that if a matter isn’t solved in that particular way, it’s not going to get taken care of.
I am reminded of a testimony I read about a woman who was living on government assistance. Because of her small income, she had no hope of ever owning a home. But she began tithing (giving God 10 percent of her income) and the Lord began pouring out His blessings. A house in her neighborhood went up for sale. The Lord gave her favor with the owner. They were able to work out a payment plan and in addition to that, the owner of the house gave the woman furniture. That woman recognized God’s providence and gave Him the glory for what had transpired. She recognized that without God’s intervention she would never have become a homeowner.
God owns everything in the earth. That means He has numerous resources available to work out a matter in our favor. We need to get on the same page with God by spending time with Him. We need to empty ourselves of our own limited understanding and listen for His voice.
Remember, God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours, and He is able to do far beyond what we could ever imagine.
Article from www.SubmitYourArticle.com.
About the author: Karin Peavy uses her pen to help change lives. She is the author of Hot Chocolate For the Spirit, a new Bible devotional that is chock full of scripture keys that will help you live your best now. Karin also publishes a weekly ezine that reveals the many ways God is moving in your life, sometimes behind the scenes, and perhaps in ways you never imagined. Visit http://www.karinpeavy.com to discover more Bible study resources.