We should be thankful and grateful that we live in the United States. As Americans, we have so many freedoms and rights that it’s easy to take them all for granted. There are places in the world with far fewer rights, especially when it comes to women. I can’t imagine living in a country where it was illegal for me to drive. Come to think of it, how long ago was it when women were not allowed to vote right here in the USA?
With today being the first day of November, I am reminded how grateful I should be for the rights that I take for granted. There are three days this month in particular that remind me.
November 10th is the birthday of the Marine Corps. Yes, I admit that I never served. However, I was raised by a Marine. That Marine stepdad was the kind the made it clear that:
So to all who read this blog that served in the Marines, Happy Birthday and Semper Fi!
Not to ignore all the other veterans: Veterans Day is November 11th. It is all of you who served — regardless of which branch of service — who keep and have kept America free. So from me to every single one of you, “Thank you for your service and my freedom!”
Let us not forget the last Thursday of this month, Thanksgiving. As always, we will stuff ourselves silly with turkey and all of the goodies that go along with it. Some will be watching the football games. I know I will be glued to the television watching the National Dog Show. During this day, we should all take a moment to count our blessings. I know “blessings” will be different for each of us, but still, they should be counted. Take the time to also remember the ones who cannot be here with us during the holidays, whether they are the military serving overseas, friends and family living someplace else, or our loved ones that have passed away.
All will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope they will be in yours, too.
Photo by Fotolia/pressmaster