
Homestead Dreams

Reader Contribution by Mel Boone
Published on April 12, 2016
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As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. For me, April brings more daydreams than I know what to do with. Right now, thoughts of a few acres of my own in the country run rampant through my mind.

I have always loved the looks of a log cabin. Maybe it’s just me and my mental vision of owning a little piece of the country. No one else in my immediate family really cares for log homes. Perhaps my fascination for log homes, country living and living off the land come from my ancestor, Daniel Boone. All I know is that every chance I get, I am looking at floor plans for log homes, trying to find the perfect one for my country property that I don’t even have yet.

I don’t really need a lot of land. Or at least I don’t think I do. Just enough land for a home and a shed for my antique tractors. A pasture for a mule or a couple of draft horses. How about a few British White cows, or do I want a few Dexter cows? Either way I go, they will need a barn.

I can’t have a country home without a garden. For that matter, I can’t have a country garden without chickens to shoo away from it! How can I resist a few Ameraucana or Buff chickens in the yard. Maybe a heritage breed turkey or two. Now, do I want guineas? There are those who can’t stand them. There are others who consider them to be a great alarm system.

A couple of bee hives would be nice. The thought of bees pollinating the garden and a few fruit trees really delight me. Fresh honey from the hive seems so much sweeter to me than buying it from the store.

Some dreams come true. Sometimes dreams don’t come true. One thing I know for sure. If it were not for dreams, I would have a very dull and boring life.

Photo by Fotolia/eweleena