Good Reading in Kuwait
Just wanted to let you know that I sent the premier issue of Capper’s Farmer to my deployed husband for him to read first. Capper’s Farmer in Kuwait! He has both read it and shared it with his troops. Now Im waiting for him to send it back to me so I can finally read it.
Sharon Ernst
via Facebook
Wow! Who would have thought Capper’s Farmer would wind up in Kuwait? Thanks for the note and photograph, Sharon, and please give our thanks to your husband for his service to our country and to all of us. – Editors
Absolutely Beautiful
My husband and I live in Nebraska, right across the border from Norton, Kansas. My paternal grandfather homesteaded near Lakin, Kansas.
We received our Capper’s Farmer Winter 2013 issue today, and it’s absolutely beautiful. I love the cover!
So far I’ve only had time to flip through, but it’s very nice. I can’t wait to get back to it.
I noticed the featured blogs, and I’m excited to become part of your blogging team. Thanks so much for the opportunity. I once had an article printed in a country magazine in a section about outhouses, but that’s the extent of my fame.
Thanks for such a great magazine.
Mary Conley
Omaha, Nebraska
We’re excited to add your voice to our blogging team as well, Mary. – Editors
Inspirational Publication
I saw a “new” magazine the other day, picked it up and fell in love. Every single page contained wonderful information, and it even inspired a new business.
When I took a closer look at the cover, I saw “Since 1893.” How did I miss it all these years? Glad I finally found you.
Marcy Brooks-Johnson
via Facebook
We’re glad you found us, too, Marcy. And congratulations on the business. – Editors
Vintage Seeds
I’ve been researching the history of some of the heirloom tomato varieties we’re growing here on Itzy Bitzy Farm and came across this ad (see Image Gallery) for Brandywine Tomatoes. I just love vintage seed ads and packs.
Itzy Bitzy Farm
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