Artistic barn idea – Thank you for the March “Quilts turn barns into works of art” article, which described how Margot McMillen and others had begun to adorn the outside of the barns they own with quilts. It is a novel and refreshing idea for those of us lucky enough to have on our property an old barn that needs a facelift.
Creative, colorful quilt patterns and a fresh coat of paint on my barn certainly could brighten its dull and dreary appearance, and are sure to bring “curb appeal” for resale value when I decide to sell.
Maybe it’s possible to start our own barn tour here in northeast Kansas for tourists passing through the area.
Carol Nelson
Hiawatha, Kan.
Editor’s note: We think that’s a wonderful idea, Carol! It would enliven the landscape not just for visitors passing through, but for the local folks as well. We would love to see the humble beauty of old area barns made more handsome with colorful quilts.
A wonderful response – I wrote in some time ago to the Reader to Reader column to request information about finding a flour sifter with a handle that turns. It was an item needed by my granddaughter, who has multiple sclerosis (MS).
That request appeared in the December 2008 issue, and the response has been overwhelming. Letters and cards arrived telling me where I could buy such a sifter. In fact, some readers were even so loving that they sent us sifters.
I’m unable to write to all of those who responded to the request, but I certainly appreciate their caring and concern. So far, my granddaughter is doing well – and she is able to do her baking.
She sells what she makes for fundraisers for MS. In 1988, she, her mother and I raised more than $1,000 for MS by making pies, cookies, cakes and other baked treats.
Thank you so much, CAPPER’S readers.
Cora Brown
Emporia, Kan.
Open Session We welcome letters from readers. If you have an opinion or comment on an article you saw in CAPPER’S that you’d like to share, send it to Open Session, CAPPER’S, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265. |