
Our Homespun Christmas Tree

Reader Contribution by Erin Sheehan
Published on December 16, 2015
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Jim and I went on a “Holiday Tour of Homes” in our city over the weekend. We visited a dozen homes, all decked out for Christmas. It was something to see how hard people work to make their homes welcoming and beautiful at this festive time of year. Seeing all of those perfectly decorated Christmas trees made me think a bit about my own Christmas tree.

I know that for most people a “beautiful” Christmas tree has ornaments that match, probably a color scheme, and maybe even a theme of some sorts. I wouldn’t say that our Christmas tree looks much like that, but I think it’s pretty special anyway.

Our tree has nearly all handmade ornaments. A close family friend has made an ornament for each member of my family for many years. My mom makes ornaments for us each year. I’m also part of an ornament exchange with two people out on the west coast, who send along homemade ornaments every year now going back about ten years. I’ve also made a few of my own along the way. Each year one or two older ornaments fall apart or get crushed in the box, but there’s a constant supply of new handmade ornaments coming in!

I love our homespun tree. When I look at it I see the love that has gone into each of those ornaments, and the beauty of that love outshines anything I could ever find in any store. Each ornament represents the spirit of person who made it. I treasure those ornaments, and I treasure our Christmas tree.

This year, take a moment and make up a Christmas ornament or two for your loved ones. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just made with love. Your family and friends will cherish your ornaments, and have something to remember you by someday. What could be more keeping with the spirit of Christmas?