The old Roe farm
I guess you can say that there are two types of farms. There are big corporate farms, and then there are the family farms. I’m glad to have had grandparents who owned a small family farm.
There are so many memories of that farm that I couldn’t possibly list them all. Even though I was raised in town, I spent many wonderful times out there. Big yard (or at least big to me), and lots of pasture to play in and to explore. I was never at a loss for playmates. There were always dogs and cats there that were willing to play with me just so that they could have some attention.
I grew up assuming that the farm would always be there and someday I would be the one to it over. Now I must admit that I have been proven wrong. Grandpa passed away from Parkinson’s disease several years ago. My grandma, who’s health is declining, is now in the nursing home. The farm, since the deed was still in her name, was sold in order to pay for the nursing home.
Nobody expects their golden years to be like this. My grandparents were no different, so planning for bad health issues was something that they didn’t get around to planning for.
Stuff had been moved out of the house. Some to storage, some to an auction house. On July 16, 2017, the little knick knack stuff was sorted through. Mom went home and I made one last trip back to the farm by myself.
Don’t get me wrong, I really do like the farmer who bought the farm. He’s a great guy who loves the land and is passionate about farming. His daughter and her husband will be moving into the house. I am so grateful that these people are cat lovers and were willing to take grandmas cats. I’m glad the cats get to stay where they are. But it’s still hard for me. Perhaps that’s selfish for me to say. But what is done has been done.
As I pulled into the driveway on Sunday, July 16, I made my rounds petting all of the outdoor cats that I could find. I went to the east fence where the pet cemetery is and stood there for a moment. I walked to the pasture one last time. Then I went in the house. I found the four indoor cats laying in the living room. So I sat there with them and cried like a baby.
No one said that saying goodbye was easy.