
Handcrafted Birch Bark Lantern

By Clara Lidstrom
Published on September 17, 2018
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Take advantage of the beauty of birch bark before using it to burn in your fireplace by crafting this simple lantern.
Take advantage of the beauty of birch bark before using it to burn in your fireplace by crafting this simple lantern.
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“Vintage Crafts” by Clara Lidstrom is a do-it-yourself guide to crafting projects for decorating on a budget.
“Vintage Crafts” by Clara Lidstrom is a do-it-yourself guide to crafting projects for decorating on a budget.

Vintage Crafts(Skyhorse, 2013) by Clara Lidstrom is a guide to crafting on a budget. Vintage flair isn’t just classy and cute; it’s fun to create and perfect for any budget! So, let your creativity run wild on trips to the flea market, and don’t back down from that deal at the yard sale. This is the ultimate home decor resource from Sweden’s number one lifestyle blogger, Clara Lidström. With Vintage Crafts, use paper scraps, teacups, and a splash of paint to decorate your house room by room.

Birch bark is incredibly beautiful, and I usually take advantage of some of the bark before the wood goes into the fire.


  1. Soak the birch bark overnight so that it becomes soft and pliable.
  2. Cut the birch bark into the desired size and wrap it around a candle cup.
  3. Secure it with a rubber band and let it dry.
  4. Tie a neat piece of string around the bark.
  5. When it sits firmly, cut off the rubber band

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Excerpted with permission from Vintage Crafts by Clara Lidstrom. Copyright 2013 by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. Also available at Barnes & Noble and your local bookstore.