Looking for a quick way to cook and store ground beef? Try the boiling method for a fast and easy way to cook a bunch of meat all at once.
Boiling ground beef was something my mother and grandmother did two or three times a year. They would store the cooked meat in freezer containers in two cups measurements. All the containers were marked how many cups were in each container.
Whenever a recipe called for ground beef, one of us kids was sent to the basement to retrieve the required number of containers.
All you need is a big stock pot. The one I use can handle up to 20 pounds of ground beef at a time.
Equipment Needed
- Big Stock Pot
- Water
- Ground Beef
Instructions on Ground Beef Boiling and Storage
- Place ground beef into your stock pot.
- Add enough water to cover ground beef with 4 inches of water at the top.
- Place on burner and bring to a boil.
- Stir ground beef to break up the pieces.
- Do not over stir as this will cause the meat to break down into very small pieces.
- You are finished boiling the meat what there is no pink left when stirring meat.
- Drain water from the meat.
- Package in freezer container or bags.
- Label and date.
*Feed the broth or water that you drained out to your dogs or mix in with their food.