
Small-Batch Condiments

Use these recipes to preserve small batches of jam, relish, and so much more from your homegrown or local garden produce.

By Ellie Topp and Margaret Howard
Published on March 24, 2020
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Photo by Getty Images/sorendls

When in season, our favorite foods — such as peppers, tomatoes, onions, corn on the cob, rhubarb, blueberries, peaches, and more — beckon to us, either in our own gardens or at the farmers market. And while we enjoy eating fresh produce, a lot of us have a desire deep within us to preserve these flavors for future enjoyment.

Many of us remember our grandmothers preserving fresh produce from their gardens, spending many long, hot days in the kitchen so they were able to feed their families year-round. While some folks still preserve large quantities of homegrown food, others of us prefer preserving smaller amounts of foods that’ll enhance an otherwise simple meal. That’s where the following small batches of condiments come in. They’re sure to be the perfect addition to a few of your favorite foods.


Ellie Topp is a Professional Home Economist and a Certified Culinary Professional with a master’s degree in food science, and Margaret Howard is a Registered Dietitian, a Professional Home Economist, and a food and nutrition consultant. Both have authored and co-authored many cookbooks. This article is excerpted with per-mission from their book The Complete Book of Small-Batch Preserving: Over 300 Delicious Recipes to Use Year-Round (Firefly Books Ltd.).

The Complete Book of Small-Batch Preserving

The Complete Book of Small-Batch Preserving takes the guesswork out of home preserving. Both beginners and pros can make the most of fresh fruits and vegetables when these are readily available and inexpensive. Because these recipes require a minimum of time and fuss, home cooks will enjoy creating the preserves almost as much as everyone else will enjoy tasting them.

Included are both traditional and new recipes. Detailed instructions provide the safest and latest processing methods. Some recipes are suitable for microwaves. A brand-new chapter features freezer preserving as an alternative to the traditional methods.