Late-harvest vegetables are the treasures of every locavore’s winter kitchen. Robust, hearty greens, sweet winter squashes, jewel-toned root vegetables, and potatoes of every variety bring satisfying flavors and an impressive array of nutritional benefits to the supper table.
Grab the vegetables from your well-tended root cellar, or buy them at your local market, and try them in the following recipes, which make it possible to eat fresh and local year-round.
More from Recipes from the Root Cellar:
- Bacon-Sauteed Brussels Sprouts Recipe
- Potato Knishes Recipe
- Vegetarian Egg Rolls Recipe
- Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Recipe
- Pumpkin Waffles Recipe
This article and recipes were reprinted with permission from Recipes from the Root Cellar by Andrea Chesman, published by Storey Publishing.