Could your pet dog be elected mayor of your hometown? It could if you live in Rabbit Hash, Ky.
In 1998, the Rabbit Hash Historical Society held an unusual fundraiser: an election for the honorary post of mayor. Voters could vote as many times as they wished – provided they paid one dollar for each vote cast.
Thousands were raised for a church restoration, and the election went to Goofy, a former stray dog who won against some formidable adversaries: three humans, a pot-bellied pig, a donkey and two dogs. The election made national headlines.
Mayor Goofy died at the age of 16 in 2001. The town mourned the death of its beloved mayor with a New Orleans-style wake – complete with an animal parade and a kazoo band.
The town held a new election in 2004. As with the 1998 election, one dollar bought one vote.
Residents elected another dog mayor – this time, a black Labrador retriever named Junior. The vice mayor post went to Rudy, a 7-year-old Brittany spaniel.
Rudy’s time in office hasn’t been without controversy. He got into some trouble when he was picked up by an animal control officer while wandering around town off-leash. Talk about political scandal!